- Moody, M. J., Lauhon, L.J Lincoln, Shang, J. In situ monitoring of field-effect transistors during atomic layer deposition – US Patent 11,705,373, 2023.

- Huang, C.; Dede, D.; Morgan, N.; Piazza, V.; Hu, X.; Fontcuberta i Morral, A.; Lauhon, L. J. Trapping Layers Prevent Dopant Segregation and Enable Remote Doping of Templated Self-Assembled InGaAs Nanowires. Nano Lett. 2023, 23 (14), 6284–6291.

- Mead, C.; Huang, C.; Isik Goktas, N.; Fiordaliso, E. M.; LaPierre, R. R.; Lauhon, L. J. Detection of Be Dopant Pairing in VLS Grown GaAs Nanowires with Twinning Superlattices. Nanotechnology 2023, 34 (38), 385701.

- Zhuang, X.; Kim, J.-S.; Huang, W.; Chen, Y.; Wang, G.; Chen, J.; Yao, Y.; Wang, Z.; Liu, F.; Yu, J.; Cheng, Y.; Yang, Z.; Lauhon, L. J.; Marks, T. J.; Facchetti, A. High-Performance and Low-Power Source-Gated Transistors Enabled by a Solution-Processed Metal Oxide Homojunction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2023, 120 (3), e2216672120.

- Zhu, Z.; Kim, J.-S.; Moody, M. J.; Lauhon, L. J. Edge and Interface Resistances Create Distinct Trade-Offs When Optimizing the Microstructure of Printed van Der Waals Thin-Film Transistors. ACS Nano 2023, 17 (1), 575–586.

- Hill, M. O.; Schmiedeke, P.; Huang, C.; Maddali, S.; Hu, X.; Hruszkewycz, S. O.; Finley, J. J.; Koblmüller, G.; Lauhon, L. J. 3D Bragg Coherent Diffraction Imaging of Extended Nanowires: Defect Formation in Highly Strained InGaAs Quantum Wells. ACS Nano 2022, 16 (12), 20281–20293.

- Chang, A. S.; Li, B.; Wang, S.; Frisone, S.; Goldman, R. S.; Han, J.; Lauhon, L. J. Unveiling the Influence of Selective-Area-Regrowth Interfaces on Local Electronic Properties of GaN p-n Junctions for Efficient Power Devices. Nano Energy 2022, 102, 107689.

- Kuo, L.; Sangwan, V. K.; Rangnekar, S. V.; Chu, T.-C.; Lam, D.; Zhu, Z.; Richter, L. J.; Li, R.; Szydłowska, B. M.; Downing, J. R.; Luijten, B. J.; Lauhon, L. J.; Hersam, M. C. All-Printed Ultrahigh-Responsivity MoS2 Nanosheet Photodetectors Enabled by Megasonic Exfoliation. Advanced Materials 2022, 34 (34), 2203772.

- Szymanski, D.; Khachariya, D.; Eldred, T. B.; Bagheri, P.; Washiyama, S.; Chang, A.; Pavlidis, S.; Kirste, R.; Reddy, P.; Kohn, E.; Lauhon, L.; Collazo, R.; Sitar, Z. GaN Lateral Polar Junction Arrays with 3D Control of Doping by Supersaturation Modulated Growth: A Path toward III-Nitride Superjunctions. Journal of Applied Physics 2022, 131 (1), 015703.

- Rezaei, M.; Bianconi, S.; Lauhon, L. J.; Mohseni, H. A New Approach to Designing High-Sensitivity Low-Dimensional Photodetectors. Nano Lett. 2021, 21 (23), 9838–9844.
- Li, B.; Wang, S.; Chang, A. S.; Lauhon, L.; Liu, Y.; Raghothamachar, B.; Dudley, M.; Han, J. (Invited) Selective Area Etching and Doping of GaN for High-Power Applications. ECS Transactions 2021, 104 (7), 103.
- Bianconi, S.; Lauhon, L. J.; Mohseni, H. Exaggerated Sensitivity in Photodetectors with Internal Gain. Nature Photonics 2021, 15 (10), 714–714.
- Wang, K.-C.; Valencia, D.; Charles, J.; Henning, A.; Beck, M. E.; Sangwan, V. K.; Lauhon, L. J.; Hersam, M. C.; Kubis, T. Atomic-Level Charge Transport Mechanism in Gate-Tunable Anti-Ambipolar van Der Waals Heterojunctions. Applied Physics Letters 2021, 118 (8), 083103.
- Susanna Hammarberg, Vilgailė Dagytė, Lert Chayanun, Megan O. Hill, Alexander Wyke, Alexander Björling, Ulf Johansson, Sebastian Kalbfleisch, Magnus Heurlin, Lincoln J. Lauhon, Magnus T. Borgström & Jesper Wallentin. “High resolution strain mapping of a single axially heterostructured nanowire using scanning X-ray diffraction”. Nano Res, 13, 2460–2468 (2020)

- Ju Ying Shang, Michael J. Moody, Jiazhen Chen, Sergiy KrylyukSergiy Krylyuk, Albert V. Davydov, Tobin J. Marks, and Lincoln J. Lauhon. “In Situ Transport Measurements Reveal Source of Mobility Enhancement of MoS2 and MoTe2 during Dielectric Deposition”. ACS Appl. Electron. Mater, 2, 5, 1273–1279, (2020)

- Martin Friedl, Kris Cerveny, Chunyi HuangChunyi Huang, Didem Dede, Mohammad Samani, Megan O. Hill, Nicholas Morgan, Wonjong Kim, Lucas Güniat, Jaime Segura-Ruiz, Lincoln J. Lauhon, Dominik M. Zumbühl, and Anna Fontcuberta i Morral. “Remote Doping of Scalable Nanowire Branches”. Nano Lett, 20, 5, 3577–3584, (2020)

- S. Li, C. Zhong, A. Henning, V. K. Sangwan, Q. Zhou, X. Liu, M. S. Rahn, S. A. Wells, H. Y. Park, J. Luxa, Z. Sofer, A. Facchetti, P. Darancet, T.J. Marks, L.J. Lauhon, E.A. Weiss, and M.C. Hersam. “Molecular-Scale Characterization of Photoinduced Charge Separation in Mixed-Dimensional InSe-Organic van der Waals Heterostructures”. ACS Nano, (2020)

- S. Padgaonkar, J.N. Olding, L.J. Lauhon, M. C. Hersam, and E.A. Weiss. “Emergent Optoelectronic Properties of Mixed-Dimensional Heterojunctions”. Accounts of Chemical Research, (2020)
- J. Teich, R. Dvir, A. Henning, E. R. Hamo, M. J. Moody, T. Jurca, H. Cohen, T. J. Marks, B. Rosen, L.J. Lauhon, and A. Ismach. “Light and Complex 3D MoS2/graphene Heterostructures as Efficient Catalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction”. Nanoscale, 12, 2715-2725 (2020)

- I. Calvo-Almazán, A.P. Ulvestad, E. Colegrove, T. Ablekim, M.V. Holt, M.O. Hill, S. Maddali, L.J. Lauhon, M.I. Bertoni, X. Huang, H. Yan, E. Nazaretski, Y.S. Chu, S.O. Hruszkewycz, M.E. Stuckelberger. “Strain Mapping of CdTe Grains in Photovoltaic Devices.” IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9 (6), (2019)

- J.N. Olding, A. Henning, J.T. Dong, Q. Zhou, M.J. Moody, P.J.M. Smeets, P. Darancet, E.A. Weiss, and L.J. Lauhon. “Charge Separation in Epitaxial SnS/MoS2Vertical Heterojunctions Grown by Low-Temperature Pulsed MOCVD”. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11 (43), (2019)

- Ulvestad, A., Hruszkewycz, S.O., Holt, M.V., Hill, M.O., Calvo-Almazán, I., Maddali, S., Huang, X., Yan, H., Nazaretski, E., Chu, Y.S., Lauhon, L.J., Rodkey, N., Bertoni, M. I., & Struckelberger, M. E. “Multimodal X-ray imaging of grain-level properties and performance in a polycrystalline solar cell.”Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 26(4), (2019).

- Lähnemann, J., Hill, M. O., Herranz, J., Marquardt, O., Gao, G., Al Hassan, A., Davtyan, A., Hruszkewycz, S. O., Holt, M. V., Huang, C., Calvo-Almazán, I., Jahn, U., Pietsch, U., Lauhon, L. J., & Geelhaar, L. “Correlated nanoscale analysis of the emission from wurtzite versus zincblende (In, Ga) As/GaAs nanowire core-shell quantum wells” Nano Letters (2019).

- Nathamgari, S.S.P., Dong, S., Medina, L., Moldovan, N., Rosenmann, D., Divan, R., Lopez, D., Lauhon, L.J. and Espinosa, H.D. “Nonlinear Mode Coupling and One to One Internal Resonances in a Monolayer WS2 Nanoresonator.” Nano Letters. 19(6), 4052-4059.(2019).
- Sun, Z., Huang, C., Guo, J., Dong, J.T., Klie, R.F., Lauhon, L.J. and Seidman, D.N. “Strain-Energy Release in Bent Semiconductor Nanowires Occurring by Polygonization or Nanocrack Formation.” ACS Nano.11(6), 5325-5331,(2019).

- Nathamgari, S. S. P., Dong, S., Hosseinian, E., Lauhon, L. J., & Espinosa, H. D. “An Experimental Setup for Combined In-Vacuo Raman Spectroscopy and Cavity-Interferometry Measurements on TMDC Nano-resonators”Experimental Mechanics, 1-11. (2019).
- Dagan, R., , Y., Henning, A., Shang, J. Y., Lauhon, L. J., & Rosenwaks, Y. “Two-dimensional charge carrier distribution in MoS2 monolayer and multilayers” Applied Physics Letters, 114(10), 101602. (2019).
- Ziv, A., Tzaguy, A., Sun, Z., Yochelis, S., Stratakis, E., Kenanakis, G., Schatz, G., Lauhon, L., Seidman, D., Paltiel, Y. and Yerushalmi, R. “Broad-band high-gain room temperature photodetector using semiconductor–metal nanofloret hybrids with wide plasmonic response.”Nanoscale, 11, 6368-6376, (2019).
- Alù, A., Lauhon, L. J., Li, X., Shih, C. K., & Stingelin, N. “Perspectives on frontiers in electronic and photonic materials” MRS Bulletin, 43(12), 901-908. (2018) .
- Wells, S. A., Henning, A., Gish, J. T., Sangwan, V. K., Lauhon, L. J., & Hersam, M. C. “Suppressing Ambient Degradation of Exfoliated InSe Nanosheet Devices via Seeded Atomic Layer Deposition Encapsulation” Nano Letters, 18(12), 7876-7882 (2018).

- A.S. Chang and L.J. Lauhon, “Atom probe tomography of nanoscale architectures in functional materials for electronic and photonic applications”Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science. 22 (5), 171-187 (2018)
- T. Stettner, A. Thurn, M. Döblinger, M. O. Hill, J. Bissinger, P. Schmiedeke, S. Matich, T. Kostenbader, D. Ruhstorfer, H. Riedl, M. Kaniber, L.J. Lauhon, J.J Finley, and G. Koblmüller, “Tuning Lasing Emission toward Long Wavelengths in GaAs-(In,Al)GaAs Core-Multishell Nanowires” Nano Letters.18 (10), 6292-6300 (2018)

- N. Jeon, D. Ruhstorfer, M. Döblinger, S. Matich, B. Loitsch, G. Koblmüller, and L.J. Lauhon, “Connecting Composition-Driven Faceting with Facet-Driven Composition Modulation in GaAs-AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires” Nano Letters. 18 (8), 5179-5185 (2018)

- M.J. Moody, A. Henning, T. Jurca, J. Shang, H. Bergeron, I. Balla, J.N. Olding, E.A. Weiss, M.C. Hersam, T.L. Lohr, T.J. Marks, and L.J. Lauhon, “Atomic Layer Deposition of Molybdenum Oxides with Tunable Stoichiometry Enables Controllable Doping of MoS2” Chemistry of Materials. 30 (11), 3628-3632 (2018)

- C. Pöpsel, J. Becker, N. Jeon, M. Döblinger, T. Stettner, Y. Trujillo Gottschalk, B. Loitsch, S. Matich, M. Altzschner, A.W. Holleitner, J.J Finley, L.J. Lauhon, and G. Koblmüller, “He-Ion Microscopy as a High-Resolution Probe for Complex Quantum Heterostructures in Core-Shell Nanowires” Nano Letters. 18 (6), 3911-3919 (2018)

- A. Henning, V.K. Sangwan, H. Bergeron, I. Balla, Z. Sun, M.C. Hersam, and L.J. Lauhon, “Charge Separation at Mixed-Dimensional Single and Multilayer MoS2/Silicon Nanowire Heterojunctions” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 10(19), 16760-16767 (2018)

- M. Friedl, K.K. Cerveny, P. Weigele, G. Tütüncüoglu, S. Martí-Sánchez, C. Huang, T. Patlatiuk, H. Potts, Z. Sun, M.O. Hill, L. Güniat, W. Kim, M. Zamani, V.G. Dubrovskii, J. Arbiol, L.J. Lauhon, D. M. Zumbühl, A. Fontcuberta Morral, “Template-Assisted Scalable Nanowire Networks” Nano Letters. 18 (4), 2666-2671 (2018)

- W. Rose, H. Haas, A.Q. Chen, N. Jeon, L. J. Lauhon, D.G. Cory, and R. Budakian, “High-Resolution Nanoscale Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy” Physical Review X. 8 (1), 011030 (2018)
Becker, J.; Hill, M. O.; Sonner, M.; Treu, J.; Döblinger, M.; Hirler, A.; Riedl, H.; Finley, J. J.; Lauhon, L.; Koblmüller, G. Correlated Chemical and Electrically Active Dopant Analysis in Catalyst-Free Si-Doped InAs Nanowires. ACS Nano 2018, 12 (2), 1603–1610.
- J. Becker, M.O. Hill, M. Sonner, J. Treu, M. Döblinger, A. Hirler, H. Riedl, J.J. Finley, L.J. Lauhon, and G. Koblmüller, “Correlated Chemical and Electrically Active Dopant Analysis in Catalyst-Free Si-Doped InAs Nanowires” ACS Nano. 12 (2), 1603-1610 (2018)

- V. K. Sangwan, M.E. Beck, A. Henning, J. Luo, H. Bergeron, J. Kang, I. Balla, H. Inbar, L.J. Lauhon, and M.C. Hersam, “Self-Aligned van der Waals Heterojunction Diodes and Transistors” Nano Letters.18 (2), 1421-1427 (2018)

- M.O. Hill, I. Calvo-Almazan, M. Allain, M.V. Holt, A. Ulvestad, J. Treu, G. Koblmüller, C. Huang, X. Huang, H. Yan, E. Nazaretski, Y.S. Chu, G. B. Stephenson, V. Chamard, L.J. Lauhon, and S.O. Hruszkewycz ,”Measuring Three-Dimensional Strain and Structural Defects in a Single InGaAs Nanowire Using Coherent X-ray Multiangle Bragg Projection Ptychography” Nano Letters.18 (2), 811-819 (2018)

- Z. Sun, O. Hazut, R. Yerushalmi, L.J. Lauhon, and D.N. Seidman, “Criteria and considerations for preparing atom-probe tomography specimens of nanomaterials utilizing an encapsulation methodology” Ultramicroscopy. 184. 225-233 (2018)
- K.-C. Wang, T.K. Stanev, D. Valencia, J. Charles, A. Henning, V.K. Sangwan, A. Lahiri, D. Mejia, P. Sarangapani, M. Povolotskyi, A. Afzalian, J. Maassen, G. Kilmeck, M.C. Hersam, L. J. Lauhon, N.P. Stern, and T. Kubis, “Control of interlayer physics in 2H transition metal dichalcogenides” Journal of Applied Physics. 111 (22), 224302 (2017)
- Y. Zhang, Z. Sun, A.M. Sanchez, M. Ramsteiner, M. Aagesen, J. Wu, D. Kim, P. Jurczak, S. Huo, L.J. Lauhon, and H. Liu, “Doping of Self-Catalyzed Nanowires under the Influence of Droplets” Nano Letters. 18 (1), 81-87 (2017)

- Z. Sun, A. Tzaguy, O. Hazut, L. J. Lauhon, R. Yerushalmi, and D. N. Seidman, “1-D Metal Nanobead Arrays within Encapsulated Nanowires via a Red-Ox-Induced Dewetting: Mechanism Study by Atom-Probe Tomography” Nano Letters. 17 (12), 7478-7486 (2017)

- J. H. Yoon, J. Zhang, X. Ren, Z. Wang, H. Wu, Z. Li, M. Barnell, Q. Wu, L. J. Lauhon, Q. Xia, and J. J. Yang, “Truly Electroforming-Free and Low-Energy Memristors with Preconditioned Conductive Tunneling Paths” Advanced Functional Materials. 27 (35), 1702010 (2018)

- D. M. Irber, J. Seidl, D. J. Carrad, J. Becker, N. Jeon, B Loitsch, J Winnerl, S. Matich, M. Döblinger, Y. Tang, S. Morkötter, G. Abstreiter, J. J. Finley, M. Grayson, L. J. Lauhon, and G. Koblmüller, “Quantum Transport and Sub-Band Structure of Modulation-Doped GaAs/AlAs Core-Superlattice Nanowires” Nano Letters. 17 (8), 4886-4893 (2017)

- E. Palacios, S Park, S Butun, L. J. Lauhon, and K. Aydin, “Enhanced Radiative Emission from Monolayer MoS2Films Using a Single Plasmonic Dimer Nanoantenna” Applied Physics Letters. 111 (3), 031101 (2017)
- Z Sun, D. N. Seidman, and L. J. Lauhon, “Nanowire Kinking Modulates Doping Profiles by Reshaping the Liquid-Solid Growth Interface” Nano Letters. 17 (7), 4518-4525 (2017)

- E. Palacios, S. Park, L. J. Lauhon, and K. Aydin, “Identifying Excitation and Emission Rate Contributions to Plasmon-Enhanced Photoluminescence from Monolayer MoS2Using a Tapered Gold Nanoantenna” ACS Photonics. 4 (7), 1602-1606 (2017)

- T. Jurca, M. J. Moody, A. Henning, J. D. Emery, B. Wang, J. M. Tan, T. L. Lohr, L. J. Lauhon, and T. J. Marks, “Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of MoS2 Films” Angewandte Chemie.129 (18), 5073-5077
- J. Hu, X. Ren, A. N. Reed, T. Reese, D. Rhee, B. Howe, L. J. Lauhon, A. Urbas, and T. W. Odom, “Evolutionary Design and Prototyping of Single Crystalline Titanium Nitride Lattice Optics” ACS Photonics. 4 (3), 606-612 (2017)

- K. Yoon, J. -H. Lee, Jo. Kang, Ju. Kang, M. J. Moody, M. C. Hersam, and L. J. Lauhon, “Metal-Free Carbon-Based Nanomaterial Coatings Protect Silicon Photoanodes in Solar Water-Splitting” Nano Letters. 16 (12), 7370 (2016)

- J. Hu, C. -H. Liu, X. Ren, L. J. Lauhon, and T. W. Odom, “Plasmonic Lattice Lenses for Multiwavelength Achromatic Focusing” ACS Nano. 10(11), 10275 (2016)

- X. Ren, A. K. Singh, L. Fang, M. G. Kanatzidis, F. Tavazza, A. V. Davydov, and L. J. Lauhon, “Atom Probe Tomography Analysis of Ag Doping in 2D Layered Material (PbSe)5(Bi2Se3)3” Nano Letters.16 (10), 6064 (2016) (Original experimental dataset can be found in Materials Database Facility. https://publish.globus.org/jspui/handle/ITEM/371)

- B. Loitsch, N. Jeon, M. Döblinger, J. Winnerl, E. Parzinger, S. Matich, U. Wurstbauer, H. Riedl, G. Abstreiter, J. J. Finley, L. J. Lauhon, and G. Koblmüller, “Suppression of Alloy Fluctuations in GaAs-AlGaAs core-shell nanowires” Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 093105 (2016)
- Z. Sun, O. Hazut, B. -C. Huang, Y. -P. Chiu, C.-S. Chang, R. Yerushalmi, L. J. Lauhon, and D. N. Seidman, “Dopant Diffusion and Activation in Silicon Nanowires Fabricated by Ex Situ Doping: A Correlative Study via Atom-Probe Tomography and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy” Nano Letters. 16 (7), 4490 (2016)

- I. Amit, N. Jeon, L. J. Lauhon, and Y. Rosenwaks, “Impact of Dopant Compensation on Graded p-n Junctions in Si Nanowires” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces.8 (1), 128 (2016)

- D. Jariwala, S. L. Howell, K.-S. Chen, J. Kang, V. K. Sangwan, S. A. Filippone, R. Turrisi, T. J. Marks, L. J. Lauhon and M. C. Hersam. “Hybrid, Gate-Tunable, van der Waals p-n Heterojunctions from Pentacene and MoS2” Nano Letters. 16 (1), 497 (2016)

- C. -H. Liu, I. S. Kim and L. J. Lauhon. “Optical Control of Mechanical Mode-Coupling within a MoS2Resonator in the Strong-Coupling Regime” Nano Letters. 15 (10), 6727 (2015).
- N. Jeon and L. J. Lauhon.”Atom Probe Tomography of Nanowires” Semiconduct. Semimet. ASAP.
- N. Jeon, B. Loitsch, S. Morkoetter, G. Abstreiter, J. Finley, H. J. Krenner, G. Koblmueller, and L. J. Lauhon.”Alloy Fluctuations Act as Quantum Dot-Like Emitters in GaAs-AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires” ACS Nano. 9, 8335 (2015).
- X.Ren, J. R. Riley, D. D. Koleske and L. J. Lauhon.”Correlated high-resolution x-ray diffraction, photoluminescence, and atom probe tomography analysis of continuous and discontinuous InxGa1−xN quantum wells” Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 022107 (2015).
- O. M. J. van ’t Erve, A. L. Friedman, C. H. Li, J. T. Robinson, J. Connell, L. J. Lauhon and B. T. Jonker. “Spin transport and Hanle effect in silicon nanowires using graphene tunnel barriers” Nature Communication.6, 7541 (2015).
- S. Morkötter, N. Jeon, D. Rudolph, B. Loitsch, D. Spirkoska, E. Hoffmann, M. Döblinger, S. Matich, J. J. Finley, L. J. Lauhon, G. Abstreiter and G. Koblmüller. “Demonstration of Confined Electron Gas and Steep-Slope Behavior in Delta-Doped GaAs-AlGaAs Core–Shell Nanowire Transistors” Nano Letters.15 (5), 3295 (2015).
- V. K. Sangwan, D. Jariwala, I. S. Kim, K.-S. Chen, T. J. Marks, L. J. Lauhon and M. C. Hersam. “Gate-tunable memristive phenomena mediated by grain boundaries in single-layer MoS2” Nature Nanotechnology.10, 403 (2015).
- S. L. Howell, D. Jariwala, C.-C. Wu, K.-S. Chen, V. K. Sangwan, J. Kang, T. J. Marks, M. C. Hersam, and L. J. Lauhon. “Investigation of Band-Offsets at Monolayer–Multilayer MoS2 Junctions by Scanning Photocurrent Microscopy” Nano Letters.15 (4), 2278 (2015).

- D. Jariwala, V. K. Sangwan, J.-W. T. Seo, W. Xu, J. Smith, C. H. Kim, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks, and M. C. Hersam. “Large-Area, Low-Voltage, Antiambipolar Heterojunctions from Solution-Processed Semiconductors” Nano Letters.15 (1), 416 (2015).

- J. D. Wood, S. A. Wells, D. Jariwala, K.-S. Chen, E. Cho, V. K. Sangwan, X. Liu, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks, and M. C. Hersam. “Effective Passivation of Exfoliated Black Phosphorus Transistors Against Ambient Degradation” Nano Letters. 14 (12), 6964 (2014).

- M. D. Huntington, L. J. Lauhon, and T. W. Odom. “Subwavelength lattice optics by evolutionary design” Nano Letters. 14 (12), 7195 (2014).

- J. K. Hyun, J. Park, E. Kim, L. J. Lauhon and S. Jeon.”Rational Control of Diffraction and Interference from Conformal Phase Gratings: Toward High-Resolution 3D Nanopatterning”Adv. Opt. Mater. 2 (12), 1213, (2014).
- I. S. Kim, V. K. Sangwan, D. Jariwala, J. D. Wood, S. Park, K.-S. Chen, F. Shi, F. Ruiz-Zepeda, A. Ponce, M. Jose-Yacaman, V. P. Dravid, T. J. Marks, M. C. Hersam, and L. J. Lauhon.”Influence of Stoichiometry on the Optical and Electrical Properties of Chemical Vapor Deposition Derived MoS2″ ACS Nano.8 (10), 10551 (2014).

- M. E. Coltrin, A. M. Armstrong, I. Brener, W. W. Chow, M. H. Crawford, A. J. Fischer, D. F. Kelley, D. D. Koleske, L. J. Lauhon, J. E. Martin, M. D. Nyman, E. F. Schubert, L. E. Shea-Rohwer, G. S. Subramania, J. Y. Tsao, G. T. Wang, J. J. Wierer, Jr. , and J. B. Wright. “The Energy Frontier Research Center for Solid-State Lighting Science: Exploring New Materials Architectures and Light Emission Phenomena” J. Phys. Chem. C, 118(25), 13330 (2014).

- J. R. Riley, T. Detchprohm, C. Wetzel, and L. J. Lauhon.”On the Reliable Analysis of Indium Mole Fraction within InxGa1−xN Quantum Wells Using Atom Probe Tomography” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 152102 (2014).
- A. Holsteen, I. S. Kim, and Lincoln J. Lauhon. “Extraordinary Dynamic Mechanical Response of Vanadium Dioxide Nanowires around the Insulator to Metal Phase Transition” Nano Letters. 14(4), 1898 (2014).

- D. Jariwala, V. K. Sangwan, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks, and M. C. Hersam. “Emerging device applications for semiconducting two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides” ACS Nano.8 (2), 1102 (2014).

- S. Padalkar,J. R. Riley, Q. Li, G. T. Wang, L. J. Lauhon, “Lift-out procedures for atom probe tomography targeting nanoscale features in core-shell nanowire heterostructures” Physica Status Solidi (c). 11, 656 (2014).
- V. K. Sangwan, D. Jariwala, K. Everaerts, J. J. McMorrow, J. He, M. Grayson, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks, M. C. Hersam. “Wafer-scale solution-derived molecular gate dielectrics for low-voltage graphene electronics” Appl. Phys. Lett.104, 083503 (2014).
- R. A. Bernal, T. Filleter, J. G. Connell, K. Sohn, J. Huang, L. J. Lauhon & H. D. Espinosa. “In Situ Electron Microscopy Four-Point Electromechanical Characterization of Freestanding Metallic and Semiconducting Nanowires” Small. 10,725 (2014).
- J. M. Nichol, T. R. Naibert, E. R. Hemesath, L. J. Lauhon & R. Budakian. “Nanoscale Fourier-Transform Magnetic Resonance Imaging” Phys. Rev. X. 3, 031016 (2013).
- A. Tselev, V. K. Sangwan, D. Jariwala, T. J. Marks, L. J. Lauhon, M. C. Hersam, & S. V. Kalinin. “Near-field microwave microscopy of high-κ oxides grown on graphene with an organic seeding layer ” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103,243105 (2013).
- K. Yoon, J. K. Hyun, J. G. Connell, I. Amit, Y. Rosenwaks, &L. J. Lauhon. “Barrier Height Measurement of Metal Contacts to Si Nanowires Using Internal Photoemission of Hot Carriers” Nano Letters13(12) 6183 (2013).

- Me. Gu, L. R. Parent, B. Layla Mehdi, R. R. Unocic, M. T. McDowell, R. L. Sacci, W. Xu, J. G. Connell, P. Xu, P. Abellan, X. Chen, Y. Zhang, D. E. Perea, J. E. Evans, L. J. Lauhon, J. Zhang, J. Liu, N. D. Browning, Y. Cui,I. Arslan & C.-M. Wang .”Demonstration of an Electrochemical Liquid Cell for Operando Transmission Electron Microscopy Observation of the Lithiation/Delithiation Behavior of Si Nanowire Battery Anodes” Nano Letters13(12) 6106 (2013).
- D. Jariwala, V. K. Sangwan, C.-C. Wu, P. L. Prabhumirashi, M. L. Geier, T. J. Marks, L. J. Lauhon, & M. C. Hersam.”Gate-tunable carbon nanotube–MoS2 heterojunction p-n diode” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110(45) 18076 (2013).
- S. L. Howell, S. Padalkar, K. Yoon, Q. Li, D. D. Keloske, J. J. Wierer, G. T. Wang & L. J. Lauhon.”Spatial Mapping of Efficiency of GaN/InGaN Nanowire Array Solar Cells Using Scanning Photocurrent Microscopy” Nano Letters13(11) 5123 (2013).

- V. K. Sangwan, H. N. Arnold, D. Jariwala, T. J. Marks, L. J. Lauhon & M. C. Hersam.”Low-Frequency Electronic Noise in Single-Layer MoS2 Transistors” Nano Letters13(9) 4351 (2013).
- Z. Wang, M. Gu, Y. Zhou, X. Zhu, J. G. Connell, J. Xiao, D. Perea, L. J. Lauhon, J. bang, S. Zhang, C. Wang & F. Gao. “Electron-Rich Driven Electrochemical Solid-State Amorphization in Li–Si Alloys”Nano Letters 13(9) 4511 (2013).
- J. R. Riley, S. Padalkar, Q. Li, P. Lu, D. D. Keloske, J. J. Wierer, G. T. Wang & L. J. Lauhon. “Three-Dimensional Mapping of Quantum Wells in a GaN/InGaN Core–Shell Nanowire Light-Emitting Diode Array”Nano Letters 13(9) 4317 (2013).
- N. Jeon, S. A. Dayeh & L. J. Lauhon. “Origin of Polytype Formation in VLS-Grown Ge Nanowires through Defect Generation and Nanowire Kinking”Nano Letters 13(8) 3947 (2013).
- C.-C. Wu, D. Jariwala, V. K. Sangwan, T. J. Marks, M. C. Hersam & L. J. Lauhon, “Elucidating the photoresponse of ultrathin MoS2 field-effect transistors by scanning photocurrent microscopy” J. Phys. Chem. Lett.4 15) 2508 (2013).
- M.Gu , Z. Wang, J. G. Connell, D. E. Perea, L. J. Lauhon, F. Gao & C. Wang, “Electronic Origin for the Phase Transition from Amorphous LixSi to Crystalline Li15Si4” ACS Nano7(7) 6303 (2013).
- J. K. Hyun, S. Zhang, & L. J. Lauhon, “Nanowire Heterostructures” Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 43 451 (2013).
- D. Jariwala, V. K. Sangwan, D. J. Late, J. E. Johns, V. P. Dravid, T. J. Marks, L. J. Lauhon & M. C. Hersam, “Band-like transport in high mobility unencapsulated single-layer MoS2 transistors” Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 173107 (2013).
- I. Amit, U. Givan, J. G. Connell, D. F. Paul, J. S. Hammond, L. J. Lauhon & Y. Rosenwaks. “Spatially Resolved Correlation of Active and Total Doping Concentrations in VLS Grown Nanowires”Nano Letters 13(6) 2598 (2013).
- E. Sczygelski, V. K. Sangwan, C.-C. Wu, H. N. Arnold, K. Everaerts, T. J. Marks, M. C. Hersam & L. J. Lauhon , “Extrinsic and intrinsic photoresponse in monodisperse carbon nanotube thin film transistors” Appl. Phys. Lett. 102083104 (2013).
- V. K. Sangwan, D. Jariwala, S. A. Filippone, H. J. Karmel, J. E. Johns, J. M. P. Alaboson, T. J. Marks, L. J. Lauhon & M. C. Hersam , “Quantitatively Enhanced Reliability and Uniformity of High-kappa Dielectrics on Graphene Enabled by Self-Assembled Seeding Layers” Nano Letters13(3) 1162 (2013).
- D. Jariwala, V. K. Sangwan, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks & M. C. Hersam, “Carbon nanomaterials for electronics, optoelectronics, photovoltaics, and sensing” Chemical Society Reviews42 (7) 2824 (2013).
- A. Behnam, V. K. Sangwan, X. Zhong, F. Lian, D. Estrada, D. Jariwala, A. J. Hoag, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks, M. C. Hersam & E. Pop, “High-Field Transport and Thermal Reliability of Sorted Carbon Nanotube Network Devices” ACS Nano 7 (1) 482 (2013).
- J. Wu, S. Padalkar, S. Xie, E. R. Hemesath, J. Cheng, G. Liu, A. Yan, J. G. Connell, E. Nakazawa, X. Zhang, L. J. Lauhon & V. P. Dravid, “Electron Tomography of Au-Catalyzed Semiconductor Nanowires” J. Phys. Chem. C117 (2) 1059 (2013).
- J. G. Connell, K. Yoon, D. E. Perea, E. J. Schwalbach, P. W. Voorhees & L. J. Lauhon, “Identification of an Intrinsic Source of Doping Inhomogeneity in Vapor–Liquid–Solid-Grown Nanowires” Nano Letters13 (1) 199 (2013).
- T. A. Shastry, J. –W. T. Seo, J. J. Lopez, H. N. Arnold, J. Z. Kelter, V. K. Sangwan, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks & M. C. Hersam, “Large-Area, Electronically Monodisperse, Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Thin Films Fabricated by Evaporation-Driven Self-Assembly” Small9 (1) 45 (2013).
- V. K. Sangwan, R. P. Ortiz, J. M. P. Alaboson, J. D. Emery, M. J. Bedzyk, L. J. Lauhon, T. J. Marks & M. C. Hersam, “Fundamental Performance Limits of Carbon Nanotube Thin-Film Transistors Achieved Using Hybrid Molecular Dielectrics” ACS Nano6 (8) 7480 (2012).
- R. A. Schlitz, Y. -G. Ha, T. J. Marks & L. J. Lauhon, “Quantitative Statistical Analysis of Dielectric Breakdown in Zirconia-Based Self-Assembled Nanodielectrics” ACS Nano6 (5) 4452 (2012).
- J. R. Riley, R. A. Bernal, Q. Li, H. D. Espinosa, G. T. Wang & L. J. Lauhon, “Atom Probe Tomography of a-Axis GaN Nanowires: Analysis of Nonstoichiometric Evaporation Behavior” ACS Nano6 (5) 3898 (2012).
- F. J. Lopez, J. K. Hyun, U. Givan, I. S. Kim, A. L. Holsteen & L. J. Lauhon, “Diameter and Polarization-Dependent Raman Scattering Intensities of Semiconductor Nanowires” Nano Letters12 (5) 2266 (2012).
- E. R. Hemesath, D. K. Schreiber, C. F. Kisielowski, A. K. Petford-Long & L. J. Lauhon, “Atomic Structural Analysis of Nanowire Defects and Polytypes Enabled Through Cross-Sectional Lattice Imaging” Small8 (11) 1717 (2012).
- J. K. Hyun, I. S. Kim, J. G. Connell & L. J. Lauhon, “Raman Concentrators in Ge Nanowires with Dielectric Coatings”Optics Express20 (5) 5127 (2012).
- J. M. Nichol, E. R. Hemesath, L. J. Lauhon & R. Budakian, “Nanomechanical Detection of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Using a Silicon Nanowire Oscillator” Phys. Rev. B85 054414 (2012).
- I. S. Kim & L. J. Lauhon, “Increased Yield and Uniformity of Vanadium Dioxide Nanobeam Growth via Two-Step Physical Vapor Transport Process” Cryst. Growth Des.12(3) 1383 (2012).
- W. Cai, Y. Che, J. P. Pelz, E. R. Hemesath & L. J. Lauhon, “Direct Measurements of Lateral Variations of Schottky Barrier Height Across “End-On” Metal Contacts to Vertical Si Nanowires by Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy”Nano Letters12 (2) 694 (2012).
- J. R. Riley, D. E. Perea, L. He, F. Tsui & L. J. Lauhon, “Correlation and Morphology of Dopant Decomposition in Mn and Co Codoped Ge Epitaxial Thin Films” J. Phys. Chem. C116 (1) 276 (2012).
- E. R. Hemesath, D. K. Schreiber, E. B. Gulsoy, C. F. Kisielowski, A. K. Petford-Long, P. W. Voorhees & L. J. Lauhon, “Catalyst Incorporation at Defects during Nanowire Growth” Nano Letters12 (1) 167 (2012).
- E. Koren, N. Berkovitch, O. Azriel, A. Boag, Y. Rosenwaks, E. R. Hemesath, & L. J. Lauhon, “Direct measurement of nanowire Schottky junction depletion region” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 223551 (2011).
- F. J. Lopez, U. Givan, J. G. Connell & L. J. Lauhon, “Silicon Nanowire Polytypes: Identification by Raman Spectroscopy, Generation Mechanism, and Misfit Strain in Homostructures” ACS Nano5 (11) 8958 (2011).
- E. R. Hemesath, J. L. Lensch-Falk & L. J. Lauhon, “Texture Analysis of Manganese-Germanide/Germanium Nanowire Heterostructures by High Resolution Electron Microscopy and Diffraction” J. Mater. Res.26 (17) 2299 (2011).
- C. Zeiner, A. Lugstein, T. Burchhart, P. Pongratz, J. G. Connell, L. J. Lauhon & E. Bertagnolli, “Atypical Self-Activation of Ga Dopant for Ge Nanowire Devices” Nano Letters11 (8) 3108 (2011).
- J. K. Hyun & L. J. Lauhon, “Spatially Resolved Plasmonically Enhanced Photocurrent from Au Nanoparticles on a Si Nanowire” Nano Letters11 (7) 2731 (2011).
- E. Koren, G. Elias, A. Boag, E. R. Hemesath, L. J. Lauhon & Y. Rosenwaks, “Direct Measurement of Individual Deep Traps in Single Silicon Nanowires” Nano Letters11 (6) 2499 (2011).
- S. Zhang, I. S. Kim & L. J. Lauhon, “Stoichiometry Engineering of Monoclinic to Rutile Phase Transition in Suspended Single Crystalline Vanadium Dioxide Nanobeams” Nano Letters11 (4) 1443 (2011).
- E. Koren, J. K. Hyun, U. Givan, E. R. Hemesath, L. J. Lauhon & Y. Rosenwaks, “Obtaining Uniform Dopant Distributions in VLS-Grown Si Nanowires” Nano Letters11 (1) 183-187 (2011).
- J. G. Connell, Z. Y. Al Balushi, K. Sohn, J. Huang & L. J. Lauhon, “Growth of Ge Nanowires from Au-Cu Alloy Nanoparticle Catalysts Synthesized from Aqueous Solution” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1 (22) 3360-3365 (2010).
- R. A. Schlitz, K. Yoon, L. A. Fredin, Y. -G. Ha, M. A. Ratner, T. J. Marks, & L. J. Lauhon, “Weibull Analysis of Dielectric Breakdown in a Self-Assembled Nanodielectric for Organic Transistors” J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1 (22) 3292-3297 (2010).
- S. Zhang, F. J. Lopez, J. K. Hyun & L. J. Lauhon, “Direct Detection of Hole Gas in Ge-Si Core-Shell Nanowires by Enhanced Raman Scattering” Nano Letters 10 (11) 4483-4487 (2010).
- H. Gao, J. K. Hyun, M. H. Lee, J. -C. Yang, L. J. Lauhon, & T. W. Odom, “Broadband Plasmonic Microlenses Based on Patches of Nanoholes” Nano Letters 10 (10) 4111-4116 (2010).
- S. Zhang, J. Y. Chou, & L. J. Lauhon, “Direct Correlation of Structural Domain Formation with the Metal Insulator Transition in a VO2 Nanobeam” Nano Letters 9 (12) 4527-4532 (2009).
- R. A. Schlitz, D. E. Perea, J. L. Lensch-Falk, E. R. Hemesath, & L. J. Lauhon, “Correlating dopant distributions and electrical properties of boron-doped silicon nanowires” Appl. Phys. Lett. 95162101 (2009).
- L. J. Lauhon, P. Adusumilli, P. Ronsheim, P. L. Flaitz, & Dan Lawrence, “Atom-probe tomography of semiconductor materials and device structures” MRS Bulletin34 738-743 (2009).
- J. M. Nichol, E. R. Hemesath, L. J. Lauhon, & R. Budakian, “Controlling the nonlinearity of Si nanowire resonators using active feedback” Appl. Phys. Lett. 95123116 (2009).
- E. Koren, J. E. Allen, E. R. Hemesath, L. J. Lauhon, & Y. Rosenwaks, “Non-Uniform doping distribution along silicon nanowires measured by Kelvin probe force microscopy and scanning photocurrent microscopy” Appl. Phys. Lett.95092105 (2009).
- S. Zhang, E. R. Hemesath, D. E. Perea, E. Wijaya, J. L. Lensch-Falk, & L. J. Lauhon, “Relative influence of surface states and bulk impurities on the electrical properties of Ge nanowires” Nano Letters9 (9) 3268-3274 (2009).
- P. Adusumilli, C. E. Murray, L. J. Lauhon, O. Avayu, Y. Rosenwaks, & D. N. Seidman, “Three-dimensional atom-probe tomographic studies of nickel monosilicide/silicon interfaces on a subnanometer scale” ECS Transactions19 (1) 303-314 (2009).
- F. J. Lopez, E. R. Hemesath, and L. J. Lauhon, “Ordered Stacking Fault Arrays in Silicon Nanowires” Nano Letters9 (7) 2774-2779 (2009).
- J. E. Allen, E. R. Hemesath, & L. J. Lauhon, “SPCM analysis of Si nanowire field effect transistors fabricated by surface etching of the channel,” Nano Letters9 (5) 1903-1908 (2009).
- P. Adusumilli, L. J. Lauhon, D. N. Seidman, C. E. Murray, O. Avayu, and Y. Rosenwaks, “Tomographic study of atomic-scale redistribution of platinum during the silicidation of Ni0.95Pt0.05/Si(100) thin-films,” Appl. Phys. Lett.94 113103 (2009).
- D. E. Perea, E. R. Hemesath, E. J. Schwalbach, J. L. Lensch-Falk, P. W. Voorhees, and L. J. Lauhon, “Direct Measurement of Dopant Distribution in an Individual Vapor-Liquid-Solid Nanowire” Nature Nanotechnology4 315-319 (2009).
- J. E. Allen, E. R. Hemesath, D. E. Perea, and L. J. Lauhon, “Non-Uniform Nanowire Doping Profiles Revealed by Scanning Photocurrent Microscopy,” Advanced Materials21 (30) 3067-3072 (2009).
- J. Y. Chou, J. L. Lensch-Falk, E. R. Hemesath, and L. J. Lauhon, “Vanadium oxide nanowire phase and orientation analyzed by Raman spectroscopy,” J. Appl. Phys.105 034310 (2009).
- J. L. Lensch-Falk, E. R. Hemesath, D. E. Perea, and L. J. Lauhon, “Alternative catalysts for sub-eutectic growth of Si and Ge nanowires,” J. Mater. Chem. (invited)19 849-857 (2009).
- M. Sofos, J. Goldberger, D. A. Stone, J. E. Allen, Q. Ma, D. J. Herman, W. Tsai, L. J. Lauhon, and S. I. Stupp,”A synergistic assembly of nanoscale lamellar photoconductor hybrids,” Nature Materials8 68-75 (2009).
- J. M. Nichol, E. R. Hemesath, L. J. Lauhon, and R. Budakian, “Displacement detection of silicon nanowires by polarization-enhanced fiber-optic interferometry,” Applied Physics Letters93 193110 (2008).
- J. L. Lensch-Falk, E. R. Hemesath, and L. J. Lauhon, “Syntaxial Growth of Ge/Mn-Germanide Nanowire Heterostructures,” Nano Letters8 2669-2673 (2008).
- D. E. Perea, E. Wijaya, J. L. Lensch-Falk, E. R. Hemesath, and L. J. Lauhon, “Tomographic analysis of dilute impurities in semiconductor nanostructures,” Journal of Solid State Chemistry181 1645-1652 (2008).
- J. E. Allen, E. R. Hemesath, D. E. Perea, J. L. Lensch-Falk, Z.Y. Li, F. Yin, M. H. Gass, P. Weng, A. L. Bleloch, R. E. Palmer, and L. J. Lauhon, “High-resolution detection of Au catalyst atoms in Si nanowires,” Nature Nanotechnology3168-173 (2008).
- Y.-C. Kim, P. Adusumilli, L. J. Lauhon, D. N. Seidman, S.-Y. Jung, H.-D. Lee, R. L. Alvis, R. M. Ulfig, J. D. Olson, “Three-dimensional atomic-scale mapping of Pd in Ni1-xPdxSi/Si(100) thin films,” Applied Physics Letters, 91113106 (2007).
- J. L. Lensch-Falk, E. R. Hemesath, F. J. Lopez, and L. J. Lauhon, “Vapor-Solid-Solid Synthesis of Ge Nanowires from Vapor-Phase-Deposited Manganese Germanide Seeds,” J. Am. Chem. Soc.129 10670 (2007).
- Y. Gu, J. P. Romankiewicz, & L. J. Lauhon, “Quantitative characterization of carrier transport in nanowire photodetectors,” Proceedings of SPIE6479 64790C-1 (2007). (Invited)
- D. E. Perea, J. L. Lensch, S. J. May, B. W. Wessels, & L. J. Lauhon, “Composition analysis of single semiconductor nanowires using pulsed-laser atom probe tomography,” Applied Physics A, 85271-275 (2006).
- Y. Gu & L. J. Lauhon, “Space-charge-limited current in nanowires depleted by oxygen adsorption” Applied Physics Letters, 89143102 (2006).
- Thang Ba Hoang, H. E. Jackson, L. M. Smith, J. M. Yarrison-Rice, J. L. Lensch, & L. J. Lauhon, “Temperature dependent photoluminescence of single CdS nanowires,” Applied Physics Letters89 123123, (2006).
- L. V. Titova, Thang Ba Hoang, H. E. Jackson, L. M. Smith, J. M. Yarrison-Rice, J. L. Lensch, & L. J. Lauhon, “Low-temperature photoluminescence imaging and time-resolved spectroscopy of single CdS nanowires,” Applied Physics Letters89 053119 (2006).
- Y. Gu, J. P. Romankiewicz, J. K. David, J. L. Lensch, E. -S. Kwak, T. W. Odom, & L. J. Lauhon, “Local photocurrent mapping as a probe of contact effects and charge carrier transport in semiconductor nanowire devices,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B24 2172 (2006).
- Y. Gu, J. P. Romankiewicz, J. K. David, J. L. Lensch, & L. J. Lauhon, “Quantitative Measurement of the Electron and Hole Mobility-Lifetime Products in Semiconductor Nanowires,” Nano Letters6, 948 (2006).
- D. E. Perea, J. E. Allen, S. J. May, B. W. Wessels, D. N. Seidman, & L. J. Lauhon, “Three-dimensional nanoscale composition mapping of semiconductor nanowires,” Nano Letters6, 181 (2006). (Cover Article)
- A. Abdi, L. V. Titova, L. M. Smith, H. E. Jackson, J. M. Yarrison-Rice, J. L. Lensch, & L. J. Lauhon, “Resonant Raman scattering from CdS nanowires,” Applied Physics Letters88, 043118 (2006).
- D. G. Ramlan, S. J. May, J.-G. Zheng, J. E. Allen, B. W. Wessels, & L. J. Lauhon, “Ferromagnetic Self-Assembled Quantum Dots on Semiconductor Nanowires,” Nano Letters6, 50 (2006).
- Y. Gu, E.-S. Kwak, J. L. Lensch, J. E. Allen, T. W. Odom, & L. J. Lauhon, “Near-field scanning photocurrent microscopy of a nanowire photodetector,” Applied Physics Letters87, 043111 (2005). (Cover Article)
- S. J. May, J. G. Zheng, B. W. Wessels, & L. J. Lauhon, “Manganese mediated dendritic growth of InAs nanowires,”Advanced Materials17, 598-602 (2005). (Cover Article)
- L. J. Lauhon, M. S. Gudiksen & C. M. Lieber, “Semiconductor nanowire heterostructures,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series A- Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences362, 1247-1260 (2004).
- A. B. Greytak, L. J. Lauhon, M. S. Gudiksen & C. M. Lieber, “Growth and transport properties of complementary germanium nanowire field-effect transistors,” Applied Physics Letters84, 4176-4178 (2004).
- F. E. Olsson, M. Persson, N. Lorente, L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “STM images and chemisorption bond parameters of acetylene, ethynyl, and dicarbon chemisorbed on copper,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B106, 8161-8171 (2002).
- L. J. Lauhon, M. S. Gudiksen, C. L. Wang & C. M. Lieber, “Epitaxial core-shell and core-multishell nanowire heterostructures,” Nature420, 57-61 (2002).
- M. S. Gudiksen, L. J. Lauhon, J. Wang, D. C. Smith & C. M. Lieber, “Growth of nanowire superlattice structures for nanoscale photonics and electronics,” Nature415, 617-620 (2002).
- N. Lorente, M. Persson, L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Symmetry selection rules for vibrationally inelastic tunneling,”Physical Review Letters86, 2593-2596 (2001).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Effects of temperature and other experimental variables on single molecule vibrational spectroscopy with the scanning tunneling microscope,” Review of Scientific Instruments72, 216-223 (2001).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Inducing and observing the abstraction of a single hydrogen atom in bimolecular reactions with a scanning tunneling microscope,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B105, 3987-3992 (2001).
- J. Kua, L. J. Lauhon, W. Ho & W. A. Goddard, “Direct comparisons of rates for low temperature diffusion of hydrogen and deuterium on Cu(001) from quantum mechanical calculations and scanning tunneling microscopy experiments,”Journal of Chemical Physics115, 5620-5624 (2001).
- Y. Huang, X. F. Duan, Y. Cui, L. J. Lauhon, K. H. Kim & C. M. Lieber, “Logic gates and computation from assembled nanowire building blocks,” Science294, 1313-1317 (2001). This paper was cited by Science Magazine as the ‘Breakthrough of the Year’ in 2001.
- Y. Cui, L. J. Lauhon, M. S. Gudiksen, J. F. Wang & C. M. Lieber, “Diameter-controlled synthesis of single-crystal silicon nanowires,” Applied Physics Letters78, 2214-2216 (2001).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Control and characterization of a multistep unimolecular reaction,” Physical Review Letters84, 1527-1530 (2000).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Single-molecule chemistry and vibrational spectroscopy: Pyridine and benzene on Cu(001),”Journal of Physical Chemistry A104, 2463-2467 (2000).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Electronic and vibrational excitation of single molecules with a scanning tunneling microscope,” Surface Science451, 219-225 (2000).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Direct observation of the quantum tunneling of single hydrogen atoms with a scanning tunneling microscope,” Physical Review Letters85, 4566-4569 (2000).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “The initiation and characterization of single bimolecular reactions with a scanning tunneling microscope,” Faraday Discussions, 249-255 (2000).
- J. Gaudioso, L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Vibrationally mediated negative differential resistance in a single molecule,”Physical Review Letters85, 1918-1921 (2000).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Single molecule thermal rotation and diffusion: Acetylene on Cu(001),” Journal of Chemical Physics111, 5633-5636 (1999).
- L. J. Lauhon & W. Ho, “Single-molecule vibrational spectroscopy and microscopy: CO on Cu(001) and Cu(110),”Physical Review B60, R8525-R8528 (1999).
- D. Barlett, F. Tsui, D. Glick, L. Lauhon, T. Mandrekar, C. Uher & R. Clarke, “Langevin-Like Giant Magnetoresistance in Co-Cu Superlattices,” Physical Review B49, 1521-1523 (1994).